Strange but True Interview Stories

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If you ever said or did something stupid in an interview, consider these interview disasters.

  • “Candidate kept giggling through serious interview.”
  • “She wore a Walkman and said she could listen to me and the music at the same time.”
  • “Balding candidate abruptly excused himself. Returned to office a few minutes later, wearing a hairpiece.”
  • “Applicant challenged interviewer to arm wrestle.”
  • “Asked to see interviewer’s resume to see if the personnel executive was qualified to judge the candidate.”
  • “… announced she hadn’t had lunch and proceeded to eat a hamburger and french fries in the interviewer’s office.”
  • “Stated that, if he were hired, he would demonstrate his loyalty by having the corporate logo tattooed on his forearm.”
  • “Interrupted to phone his therapist for advice on answering specific interview questions.”
  • “… wouldn’t get out of the chair until I would hire him. I had to call the police.”
  • “When I asked him about his hobbies, he stood up and started tap dancing around my office.”
  • “… had a little pinball game and challenged me to play with him.”
  • “… bounced up and down on my carpet and told me I must be highly thought of by the company because I was given such a thick carpet.”
  • “At the end of the interview, while I stood there dumbstruck, went through my purse, took out a brush, brushed his hair, and left.”
  • “… pulled out a Polaroid camera and snapped a flash picture of me. Said he collected photos of everyone who interviewed him.”
  • “Candidate asked me if I would put on a suit jacket to insure that the offer I had made was formal.”
  • “Said he wasn’t interested because the position paid too much.”
  • “While I was on a long-distance phone call, the applicant took out a copy of Penthouse, and looked through the photos only, stopping longest at the centerfold.”
  • “During the interview, an alarm clock went off from the candidate’s brief case. He took it out, shut it off, apologized and said he had to leave for another interview.”
  • “A telephone call came in for the job applicant. It was from his wife. His side of the conversation went like this: “Which company? When do I start? What’s the salary?” I said, “I assume you’re not interested in conducting the interview any further.” He promptly responded, “I am as long as you’ll pay me more. “I didn’t hire him, but later found out there was no other job offer. It was a scam to get a higher offer.”
  • “An applicant came in wearing only one shoe. She explained that the other shoe was stolen off her foot in the bus.”
  • “He came to the interview with a moped and left it in the reception area. He didn’t want it to get stolen, and stated that he would require indoor parking for the moped.”
  • “He took off his right shoe and sock, removed a medicated foot powder and dusted it on the foot and in the shoe. While he was putting back the shoe and sock, he mentioned that he had to use the powder four times a day, and this was the time.”
  • “Candidate said he really didn’t want to get a job, but the unemployment office needed proof that he was looking for one.”
  • “… asked who the lovely babe was, pointing to the picture on my desk. When I said it was my wife, he asked if she was home now and wanted my phone number. I called security.”
  • “… she threw-up on my desk, and immediately started asking questions about the job, like nothing had happened.”
  • “Pointing to a black case he carried into my office, he said that if he was not hired, the bomb would go off. Disbelieving, I began to state why he would never be hired and that I was going to call the police. He then reached down to the case, flipped a switch and ran. No one was injured, but I did need to get a new desk.”
  • “… asked if I wanted some cocaine before starting the interview.”
  • “… after filling out part of an application, candidate asked to make a local phone call which turned out to be long distance to another country. Asked to finish the call, candidate continued filling out application then abruptly left office. Candidate returned an hour later to ask for another application form and after being left for five minutes to fill it in, was found on the office phone yet again. When confronted, candidate ran out the door.”
  • “… interviewer left a candidate during an interview to handle another matter, only to return and find the candidate going through her purse on the desk.”
  • “… applicant began to explain why there was a gap in her work experience then broke down sobbing and couldn’t speak any more.”
  • “… paused for up to a minute’s awkward silence after every question. After an exasperating twenty minutes the interview finished and the candidate explained they had just been involved in a road accident but hadn’t wanted to cancel the interview.”
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