- Be friendly to absolutely everybody (this applies to life in general too)
- Make eye contact frequently
- Be professional, act like somebody you would want to employ
- Be enthusiastic. The best way is to learn about the company or industry and develop an appreciation for it. If you can’t, question why you are applying
- Actively contribute to the interview. Forget the question, then response. Make the interview a lively conversation if possible
- Stick to the point when answering questions
- Remember, you’re interviewing the interviewer to see if you really want to work for the company
- Finally, send a thank you card, especially if the interview went well. It will remind the interviewer of what a positive interview you were
- Be abrasive or demanding
- Chew gum (there’s nothing less professional and polite)
- Act inappropriately
- Make sensitive comments (you don’t know who you’re talking to)
- Digress endlessly. Stay to the point on every answer with minor elaborations
- Wear overpowering perfumes or aftershave
- Wear anything too gaudy. Be conservative
- Swear or use expletives (obvious but I’ve had interviewees do it)